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We will identify the most influential news media outlets in your area of operations and assess them for reliability and disinformation risk. Your report will pinpoint who to trust for information, who to monitor for defamation and who to avoid for self-imposed reputational pitfalls. You can also request a custom selection of news media outlets for analysis. Local journalists who know your select market conduct the research with oversight from our core team.


We will monitor media outlets, influencers or a specific market for disinformation trends through a series of weekly or monthly reports, with help from local sources. Emergency updates and actionable advice will be provided if disinformation directly affects your operations. This program is most effective when monitored targets are based on the results of a Media Landscape Review. 


We will visually map offline and online information environments to establish who spreads disinformation, how they spread it and the impact the malicious content may have on your area of operations. A local source will provide additional context on key players. Focus the report on topics of interest, such as health or security; narrow it geographically to specific cities or towns; or target the content according to actors of interest.

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